Upgrading ProCurve firmware via TFTP


I had a new HP ProCurve 2610 arrive today, and one of the first things I do to new devices is load up the latest firmware. I thought I’d document the procedure since 1) I’m about to do just that, and 2) my post “Upgrading HP Procurve firmware via USB flash drive” gets quite a few hits.
A few items to note:
  • is the IP address of my TFTP server
  • is the IP address of the ProCurve 2610 (DHCP FTW!)
  • BL-C234-AS01 is the hostname assigned to the switch (don’t ask)
This is a new device, so I don’t have any of the firmware for this product line already on my local TFTP server. The first thing I do is to make sure I have a local copy of that:
First, I’ll take a look at what version of firmware the switch shipped with (and already exists, therefore, on flash):
BL-C234-AS01# show version
Image stamp:    /sw/pre/build/nemo(ndx)
                Jan 25 2008 13:54:14
Boot Image:     Primary
BL-C234-AS01# show flash
Image           Size(Bytes)   Date   Version
-----           ----------  -------- -------
Primary Image   : 3689315   01/25/08 R.11.07
Secondary Image : 3689315   01/25/08 R.11.07
Boot Rom Version: R.10.06
Current Boot    : Primary
We see that’s we’re running firmware version R.11.07. When copying the firmware to my TFTP server, I’ll use the same filename convention that HP does, so our filename will be R\_11\_07.swi. Let’s save a copy to the TFTP server:
BL-C234-AS01# copy flash tftp R_11_07.swi
I always like to verify that the file actually shows up on the TFTP server, regardless of any error messages (or lack thereof) from the switch:
$ ls -l /tftpboot/R_11_07.swi
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 3689315 2009-02-02 23:28 /tftpboot/R_11_07.swi
In the meantime, I’ve downloaded the latest version of the software, R.11.25, from HP’s FTP server and saved it as R\_11\_25.swi on the TFTP server. Let’s go ahead and copy it over to the primary flash on the switch:
BL-C234-AS01# copy tftp flash R_11_25.swi primary
The Primary OS Image will be deleted, continue [y/n]?  y
Here we tell the switch to copy from a TFTP server to flash memory, the TFTP server has IP address, the filename on the TFTP server is R\_11\_25.swi, and that we want that file saved to the primary flash on the switch. You’ll see a progress counter as the file is transferred, then:
Validating and Writing System Software to FLASH...
which takes a moment. After it has completed, we can verify success by examining the contents of flash:
BL-C234-AS01# show flash
Image           Size(Bytes)   Date   Version
-----           ----------  -------- -------
Primary Image   : 3790986   01/14/09 R.11.25
Secondary Image : 3689315   01/25/08 R.11.07
Boot Rom Version: R.10.06
Current Boot    : Primary
We can now reboot the switch with the new firmware:
BL-C234-AS01# reload
Device will be rebooted, do you want to continue [y/n]?  y
After the switch boots back up, we can verify that it is running the latest firmware:
BL-C234-AS01# show version
Image stamp:    /sw/pre/build/nemo(ndx)
                Jan 14 2009 15:31:02
Boot Image:     Primary
HINT: Always read the release notes before upgrading firmware, especially on a production device!


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