TFS - Stop/Start SAP ASE

 TFS - Stop/Start SAP ASE  

1. Stop ABAP-JAVA DUAL Instance

1.1 Stop SAP JAVA

su - joladm

ls /usr/sap/JOL


J02  SAPCAR  SCS03  SUM  SUM_2223  SYS  scajava  trans.log

sapcontrol -nr 02 -function Stop

sapcontrol -nr 03 -function Stop


stopsap j2ee

sapcontrol -nr 02 -function GetProcessList

cleanipc 02 remove

cleanipc 03 remove


1.2 Stop SAP ABAP   

#stop abap instance

su - soladm 

ls /usr/sap


ASCS01  DVEBMGS00  SYS  trans.log


sapcontrol -nr 00 -function stop

sapcontrol -nr 01 -function stop


stopsap r3 

sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

1.3 Clean up resources

 (stand as soladm/joladm)

cleanipc 00 remove

cleanipc 01 remove


1.4 Stop ASE DB  

#stop ase db

su - sybsol

isql -SSOL -Usapsa -PNovasep69$ -X

shutdown SYB_BACKUP


use sybmgmtdb





su - sybjol

isql -SJOL -Usapsa -PNovasep69$ -X

shutdown SYB_BACKUP


use sybmgmtdb






#run as root

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function StopDatabase -dbtype syb -dbname SOL -service

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function StopDatabase -dbtype syb -dbname JOL -service

#Check the ASE DB Status

su - sybsol 


su - sybjol



2.1 Start ASE DB

#Start SOL DB

su - sybsol

cd /sybase/SOL/ASE-16_0/install

#ls to check RUN_SOL_BS


-rwx------ 1 sybsol sapsys         689 Oct  4  2019 RUN_SOL

-rwx------ 1 sybsol sapsys         512 Oct  4  2019 RUN_SOL_BS

-rw-r----- 1 sybsol sapsys       44583 Mar 25 03:58 RUN_SOL.out

-rwxr-x--- 1 sybsol sapsys         825 Jul  9  2020 showserver

-rwxr-x--- 1 sybsol sapsys         451 Jan  8 06:13 SOL_BS.console

startserver -f RUN_SOL -f RUN_SOL_BS

#Start JOL DB

su - sybjol

cd /sybase/JOL/ASE-16_0/install


#ls to check RUN_JOL_BS to find out the RUN_JOL and RUN_JOL_BS Whether they are existed within the folder or not. Then run the below command with the actual names.

startserver -f RUN_JOL -f RUN_JOL_BS

#Check server ASE DB

#run as root

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function ListDatabases

2.2 Start SAP ABAP and JAVA

su - soladm

startsap r3 

sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

su - joladm

startsap all

sapcontrol -nr 02 -function GetProcessList


View config mem for ASE

sp_configure memory

Msg 17411, Level 16, State 1:
Procedure 'sp_configure', Line 187:
Configuration option is not unique.
Parameter Name                 Default  Memory Used  Config Value  Run Value
Unit                      Type
------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------
---------------------     ----------
additional network memory                0           0            0          0
                bytes        dynamic
allocate max shared memory               0           0            0          0
               switch        dynamic
compression memory size                  0         152            0          0
     memory pages(2k)        dynamic
engine memory log size                   0           2            0          0
     memory pages(2k)        dynamic
heap memory per user                  4096           0         4096       4096
                bytes        dynamic
kernel resource memory                4096        8344         4096       4096
     memory pages(2k)        dynamic
lock shared memory                       0           0            0          0
               switch         static
max memory                           33792      300000       150000     150000
     memory pages(2k)        dynamic
memory alignment boundary            16384           0        16384      16384
                bytes         static
memory per worker process             1024           4         1024       1024
                bytes        dynamic
messaging memory                       400           0          400        400
     memory pages(2k)        dynamic
pci memory size                      32768           0        32768      32768
     memory pages(2k)        dynamic
shared memory starting address           0           0            0          0
       not applicable         static
total logical memory                 33792      110994        55497      55497
     memory pages(2k)      read-only
total physical memory                    0       97656            0      48828
     memory pages(2k)      read-only
transfer utility memory size          4096        8194         4096       4096
     memory pages(2k)        dynamic

An additional 30786 K bytes of memory is available for reconfiguration. This is
the difference between 'max memory' and 'total logical memory'.

View procedure cache size

sp_configure "procedure cache size"
Parameter Name       Default     Memory Used   Config Value   Run Value
         Unit             Type
 -------------------- ----------- ------------- -------------- ------------
         ---------------- -------
 procedure cache size       14000     1468790         623648         623648
         memory pages(2k) dynamic

(1 row affected)
(return status = 0)

View cache config

 Cache Name         Status   Type     Config Value   Run Value
 ------------------ -------- -------- -------------- ------------
 default data cache Active   Default    1897.00 Mb     1897.00 Mb
 log cache          Active   Log Only    512.00 Mb      512.00 Mb

(1 row affected)
                                    ------------ ------------
                            Total    2409.00 Mb   2409.00 Mb
Cache: default data cache,   Status: Active,   Type: Default
      Config Size: 1897.00 Mb,   Run Size: 1897.00 Mb
      Config Replacement: strict LRU,   Run Replacement: strict LRU
      Config Partition:            4,   Run Partition:            4
 IO Size  Wash Size     Config Size  Run Size     APF Percent
 -------- ------------- ------------ ------------ -----------
    16 Kb     271360 Kb   1329.00 Mb   1329.00 Mb     10
   128 Kb     115712 Kb    568.00 Mb    568.00 Mb     10
Cache: log cache,   Status: Active,   Type: Log Only
      Config Size: 512.00 Mb,   Run Size: 512.00 Mb
      Config Replacement: strict LRU,   Run Replacement: strict LRU
      Config Partition:            1,   Run Partition:            1
 IO Size  Wash Size     Config Size  Run Size     APF Percent
 -------- ------------- ------------ ------------ -----------
    16 Kb       2448 Kb     12.00 Mb     12.00 Mb     10
    32 Kb      61440 Kb    500.00 Mb    500.00 Mb     10
(return status = 0)

Check for long run transaction holding in sysloghold then kill
use master
select * from syslogshold
kill 25

We have been restarted the SOL System as follows:

1.Stop SOL instance

2. Stop JOL instance

3. Cleanipc 

4. Stop SOL and JOL DB and BACKUP

5. Start the ASE DB for SOL and JOL

6. Start SAP JOL and SOL Instances

7. Check SOL and JOL


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