2505797 - Information about logs and trace files for SAP ASE for Business Suite


This document explains you which information you should check and collect when SAP ASE for Business Suite has any troubles.


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 for Business Suite

SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite

SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 6.0

SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 7.0

SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 7.0

SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) 7.0

SAP Solution Manager (SOLMAN) 7.1

SAP Solution Manager (SOLMAN) 7.2

SAP NetWeaver (NW) - All versions 


These are SAP ASE permanent logs, trace files and optional shared memory dump file:

File Type File Name Number Optional Location

SAP ASE errorlog <SID>.log 1 No

Windows: %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\install


Backup Server errorlog <SID>_BS.log 1 No Windows: %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\install


Job Scheduler errorlog <SID>_JSAGENT.log 1 No Windows: %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\install


Connection information for servers Windows: sql.ini

UNIX/Linux: interfaces 1 No Windows: %SYBASE%\ini


Configuration file <SID>.cfg 1 No Windows: %SYBASE%


Developer trace files dev_* many No Windows: <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\<Instance>\work

UNIX/Linux: /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/work

Shared Memory Dump <SID>.dmp.YYYYMMDDhhmmssxxxx 1 or many Yes Specified location by sp_shmdumpconfig

SAP ASE errorlog

SAP ASE reports startup, stopping messages and any SAP ASE errors in this log file. You have to check and collect this file.

On Windows environment, usually SAP ASE keeps recording to only 1 file. On UNIX/Linux environment, <SID>.log file is renamed every startup timing when you start SAP ASE by using startdb or startsap.

Backup Server errorlog

Backup Server is used when DUMP DATABASE / TRANSACTION or LOAD DATABASE / TRANSACTION commands are executed via DBA Planning Calendar or any scripts.

Backup Server reports startup, stopping messages and any backup errors in this log file. You need to check and collect this file if backup or restore perform unexpectedly.

Job Scheduler errorlog

Job Scheduler is used for the management of ASE by providing the ability to define and schedule database administration and maintenance tasks. On Business Suite environment, Automatic Table Maintenance (ATM) and Data Collection Framework (DCF) are performed by Job Scheduler.

You need to check and collect this file if scheduled jobs perform unexpectedly.

Connection information for servers

Connection information (Host Name or IP Address and Server Port) is stored in this file.

Configuration file

Configuration parameters and settings for SAP ASE are stored in this file. You can know the current setting by checking <SID>.cfg file.

When configuration settings are changed by sp_configure or DBACOCKPIT, <SID>.cfg file has been written and the previous version has been renamed to <SID>.nnnnnnnnn.

Developer trace files

Trace files contain information about the system execution. Trace records are usually used by developers and support engineers to record and analyze the occurrence of certain events in programs during runtime.

Shared Memory Dump

Shared Memory Dump is a snap shot of a certain moment. You should configure Shared Memory Dump when support engineer requests to set for further investigation.

The default file name is <SID>.dmp.YYYYMMDDhhmmssxxxx, but you can specify the file name as you like by sp_shmdumpconfig.

See Also

SAP Note 1642301 - SYB: Collecting diagnostic data for Sybase ASE support

KBA 1963023 - How to create a manual shared memory dump from Sybase ASE on Windows

KBA 1940109 - How to create a manual shared memory dump in ASE on UNIX/Linux platforms

KBA 2306315 - How to configure Windows minidump for ASE to be taken on the OS exception


errorlog, error log, developer trace, dev log, work log



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7

SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0

SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0


SAP NetWeaver all versions

SAP Solution Manager 7.1

SAP Solution Manager 7.2

SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0

SAP Supply Chain Management 7.0

This document refers to




2306315 BC-SYB-ASE How to configure a Windows minidump for ASE on the OS exception - SAP ASE

1963023 BC-SYB-ASE How to collect a manual Shared Memory Dump on Windows - SAP ASE

1940109 BC-SYB-ASE How to collect a manual Shared Memory Dump on UNIX/Linux - SAP ASE

1642301 BC-DB-SYB SYB: Collecting diagnostic data for Sybase ASE support


packet component

-ip sorc, des, protocol, port

purpose of security

1-1024: system ports

- NACL network access control list, VCP workflow, Sec grp

-Sec grop: stateful

SAP Licesnse Renewal from OS

1) log on the host with the sidadm

2) check the profiles



ls -ll

3)Get the harward key or license info.

saplikey -get pf=SMA_DVEBMGS00_solman


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